You don't want to feel this way anymore.
Therapy usually finds you at the bottom of something. Sometimes anxiety becomes so overwhelming and persistent that it feels like it's taking over. Sadness, grief, and depression can feel so heavy and unmanageable that simple tasks become difficult. The pain might be related to a recent stressful event like heartbreak or the death of someone close to you, or perhaps it is less acute but feels endless. Psychic pain is confusing and difficult to understand. It creates an atmosphere of dread, loneliness, fear, and frustration. Relationships become conflict- ridden or devoid of real feeling. Therapy helps you make sense of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that hurt but nonetheless persist.
You want to understand yourself better.
Have you ever wondered how others see you? Therapy is an introspective practice that can help you see yourself more clearly. Through deep listening, reflection, and gentle guidance, a depth therapist helps you learn about yourself, which improves your ability to have healthy, functioning relationships.
You want to have a lasting and meaningful relationship with your therapist
Working with a depth therapist is a little different than traditional counseling. While it is still very important for you and your therapist to set specific treatment goals, the therapeutic relationship itself becomes the healing modality. Your therapist is someone who you can learn to feel truly safe with, be honest with, and feel seen by. When you find the right therapist, the connection is very deep and real.
How therapy can help
A good therapeutic relationship can change your life. A depth psychotherapist is trained to listen deeply and in a particular way- they pay attention to subtleties, patterns, and symbolism. The therapist listens for what’s being said and left unsaid. They help you make contact with the part of your experience that's outside your awareness- 'making the unconscious conscious,' as it's sometimes called. We form defensive strategies around our past hurts and traumas, and these behaviors that kept us safe in the past are preventing us from having a full, healthy, and dynamic life. The therapist helps you uncover this unconscious material in a compassionate, non- judgemental way.
Healing occurs when we feel safe and known. A good therapist will honor your pacing and become a trusted, dependable place for you to land and return to yourself each week.